6.1 Writings
6.2 Interviews
6.3 Quotations
6.4 Public Speaking
6.5 Book: Three Clicks Away
6.6 Press Releases
6.7 WTC Consortium
6.8 Photo Gallery
6.1 Writings
The New York Times Adventures in DotComland [95k image]
InformationWeek.com "Three Clicks Away" excerpt in Information Week: "E-Commerce: The Plot Thickens"
InformationWeek.com Article: A Reality Check For Wireless
New York eCommerce Association Guest Column: "Was It Really Such a Great Gold Rush?"
ECMgt.com 2001 - An Emotional Odessey, by Michael Drapkin
COMDEX Marketplace Globalization: Does it make sense to be on the Web? By Michael Drapkin
ECMgt.com E-Commerce Strategy

6.2 Interviews

CRN News Radio Live From Comdex: Consultant Michael Drapkin Mobilizes For Attack Victims
CBS MarketWatch "E-commerce critic sees KBKids.com typical of online commerce winners"
Westchester Business Journal Consultant watches industry, teaches pros
InfoWorld "The road to profitability"
The Journal News Entrepreneur teaches lessons in e-commerce
The Journal News Entrepreneur teaches the art of success on the Web [176k image of photo]
The Journal News Coming Tomorrow - Teaching Success [40k image of photo]
CRN News Radio CRN News Radio Interviews Michael Drapkin at eBusiness Expo 2000
AtNewYork/Internet.com Questions for Michael Drapkin, Drapkin Technology
Computer Reseller News New to the game? Here's how to play
CRN News Radio CRN Radio Interview with Michael Drapkin - Live Webcast at the PC Expo
ManagementFirst.com In Profile: Consultant Michael Drapkin

6.3 Quotations
College Music Society January 2005 Newsletter Judith Coe: Performance
New York Times Behind Kozmo's Demise: Thin Profit Margins By JAYSON BLAIR
SmartMoney Magazine SmartMoney Magazine Quote and Photo: Small Wonders
Chicago Tribune Why start-ups fail
Fortune Magazine Broadband - A Revolution in Communication Technology
Wired Babes Dominate, Virtually
Fox Sports Survivor's Pregame Show: Super Bowl ratings, ad sales not Survivor-like
CNBC.com Getting Back Into the Mainstream Can Mean Navigating Rough Water
Philadelphia Inquirer Suburban grandmother keeps the beat as klezmer drummer
Fortune Small Business Management Spy: Creative problem solving
InternetWeek Online Need for Speed Drives Oursourcing
Westchester County Business Journal Business before Technology: Application developer grows by focusing on results for client
The Journal News Market observers offer mixed view of response
Entrepreneur Magazine Easy, e's: Experts debate whether it's time for e-words to kick back and take a breather.
News.com E-tailers switch to B2B to keep investor interest
AtNewYork/Internet.com NET Guard Dying Quietly
AtNewYork/Internet.com National IT Guard Idea Will Take Time
AtNewYork/Internet.com Senator Calls for National IT Guard
ZDNet eWeek Keeping e-carts moving
CTO Source/InfoWorld In Tight Times, Contributing To Profitability Is Even More Critical
AtNewYork/Internet.com ANALYSIS: Kozmo's $150 Million Distribution Deal Goes Sour
MyPrimeTime.com Get Work Without Working (page 2)
AtNewYork/Internet.com Company Profile: Europe's RealMapping Brings IP Tracking to US
IndividualInvestor.com Estee Lauder: Needing An Internet Makeover
bankrate.com 10 tricks to help your small business cast a big shadow
MyPrimeTime.com Can You Work For Yourself?
Silicon Alley News Movers and Shakers
The Cyber Scene Great Space and a 212 area code to boot!

6.4 Public Speaking

Jerusalem College of Technology Michael Drapkin Guest Speaker at Conference on Entrepreneurship
InternetWorld MP3 sound recording of Michael Drapkin's Panel at Internet World
Flarion Technologies Flarion CEO to Speak at Internet World Fall 2001 Conference
InternetWorld Michael Drapkin to Moderate Rescheduled Panel at Fall Internet World
iBreakfast iBreakfast Executive Event Report
iBreakfast CEO Michael Drapkin to Speak on iBreakfast Panel
InfoWorld Michael Drapkin to Speak on Next-Generation Web Services at InfoWorld Conference in San Francisco
InternetWorld Michael Drapkin to Moderate Panel of Visionaries at InternetWorld at NY Javets
Comdex Michael Drapkin to Chair Panel on E-Globalization at Fall Comdex in Las Vegas
LinkShare LinkShare Symposium Invitation
Key3Media Michael Drapkin to speak at Comdex Chicago
The University of Texas at Austin E-commerce expert underscores importance of arts education
The University of Texas at Austin Michael Drapkin to Deliver Keynote Speech
eBusiness Conference and Expo Michael Drapkin to Speak on Panel at CMP's eBusiness Conference
eHealthCareWorld Bring Pizza to the Party or ... How to Hook Investors
CNET Michael Drapkin to join CNET live webcast panel: ASPs and E-Commerce - is the time right?
PRNewswire CNET Enterprise Presents Live From the Corner Office: 'ASPs and E-Commerce: Is The Time Right?'
CMP Business Forums Michael Drapkin to speak at eBusiness Conference & Expo
Business Wire "Human Capital" the Most Important Asset for e-Bizs Employers, Recruiters Share Insight at New York e-Commerce Association Meeting
Akamai.com Michael Drapkin to lead live webcast panel for Akamai
Westchester Business Journal Even small businesses can master the 'Net, panel agrees
eMaven.com eMaven Offers ROI Perspective at eBusiness Conference and Expo

6.5 Book: Three Clicks Away

Harvard Business School Working Knowledge Recent Reviews: Three Clicks Away
UPI Advice from the trenches of e-commerce
Supportindustry.com Required Reading
Globebooks.com Andrew Allentuck review: Three Clicks Away
New York EComm "Three Clicks Away"
John Wiley and Sons "Three Clicks Away" ships: Wiley press release

6.6 Press Releases
Business Wire Silicon Alley Technology Management Expert Appointed To Head Columbia University's New eCommerce Track
BusinessWire Internet World Announces Appointment To Its Inaugural Advisory Board
Houston Chronicle Columbia takes new track on MBA classes
Industry Standard Drapkin Teams with Akamai
Business Wire Drapkin Announces Partnership with Atinav
PRNewswire Innovative Columbia University E-Commerce Track Provides Technology Management Skills Not Typically the Focus of MBA and Computer Science Programs, According to its Chair
PRNewswire Drapkin Technology and Akamai Team to Deliver Broadband E-Commerce Solutions

6.7 WTC Consortium
XB5 Partners XB5 winds down "World Trade Center I.T. Mobilization" consortium
NYSSNET NYSSNET Supports Volunteer Efforts to Rebuild NYC's Technology Infrastructure
Financial Technology Conference FT Expo Sponsors World Trade Center IT Mobilization
iBreakfast The Alley Fights Back - Business in the World Of Terror
CMP Media CMP Media's Financial Technology Conference Adds Sessions on Business and IT Continuity and Disaster Recovery in Securities, Insurance, and Banking
The Business Review Software community donates services
Strictly Business Solutions Expo Consultants Establish a Consortium to Help Companies
PR Newswire World Trade Center IT Mobilization: XB5 Press release on PR Newswire
Streaming Media Corporation Streaming Media Corporation (SMC) Joins Consortium to Help Companies Recover From World Trade Center Disaster
Silicon Alley Daily Alley Companies Volunteer IT Services
NYNMA.org Business Relief
