
Be Noteworthy!

Michael Drapkin is a performing clarinetist, an educator, a technology executive, a published transcriber/composer/arranger with a recording that was submitted by Naxos, the world’s largest classical label, for Grammy consideration, a co-founder of two professional chamber orchestras, a music publisher and retailer, and an entrepreneur that has worked with over 30 startup firms to the Fortune 500, and led three FinTech startup ventures. He has written for the New York Times, chaired a program at an Ivy League university, spoken and given lectures across the country, and has written, cowritten or contributed to 19 books. His books on the bass clarinet are standard literature worldwide, and is currently working to transform classical music through Restructuring Classical Music. Michael Drapkin grew up in Los Angeles and was born in Hollywood, California.

The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity; and the ways our differences combine to create meaning, and beauty.